Thursday, January 28, 2010


6 Twitter Apps for Marketing Your Business

Using Twitter as a marketing tool for business is something still in the nascent stage on the Internet marketing frontier. The following web tools may be helpful in organizing your marketing campaign on the internet and help use twitter as a marketing enhancement tool. twitter-bird1. Twellow is often looked up as the yellow page directory of Twitter. Twellow is a directory consisting of public Twitter accounts, with thousands of categories and search options to assist you to find people who matter to you and make use of twitter as a marketing tool. Twellow allows you to organize your twitter followers list by offering a public profile which contains a sample tweet, total number of followers, and brief information. Registering will allow you to update your Twellow profile and categories, add links to your other social media profiles, create an extended bio with whatever information and links you would like to add, and simply follow other Twitter users right away!
2. Tweet Later is an auto-responder for Twitter. It is a free service that allows one to set up their tweets in advance. These tweets may contain a link to your website or landing page. A thank you reply to your new followers is a great way of retaining readership of your tweets. Tweet later is a multi function application that makes great use of twitter as a marketing plan.
3. Twitbeep is a tool used mainly by bloggers. It is a free to use service that sends out alerts whenever your preset keywords are used in Tweets. It’s like Google Alerts for Twitter, but if used properly can make twitter as a marketing tool .You can also Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates
4. Twitthis service is similar to StumbleUpon where you can use it to enable your followers to send a link to your webpage with a description to all of their followers.
5. TwitPwr is a service similar to tinyurl. This free tool makes shortened URLs which are more friendly with twitter tweets. This service also offers to track and rank all twitter accounts.
6. Tweetlevel is a free tool that assesses the importance of a user on twitter, how trusted they are as well as the influence they have upon their followers. The tool gives points to users in four categories – how many people listen to what you say; how many people follow you; how actively you participate and whether people believe you. This tool will help you measure the effectiveness of your twitter marketing campaign.
The marketing potential of twitter is endless. It can serve as a gold mine for online marketers. Most twitter users are potential customers who are relatively young, upwardly mobile, tech savvy people with enough money to spend. Using twitter as a marketing strategy is a great idea to quickly spread the word about your business. This is instant marketing to a receptive audience who will provide your business with quick feedback about your product.

Post by Sourish

7 Best Firefox Add-ons for Twitter Users.

About Twitter : Twitter is considered as most popular micro blogging website in all over the world. It is a free service that facilitates its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page and distributed to the author’s subscribers who are recognized as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS), External applications, Firefox Add-ons. Here I have listed most popular ten Firefox add-ons which are powerful enough to boost up your twitter experience.

1)Twitter Search :

twitter-searchThis Firefox search plug-in gives you quick access to the real-time Twitter search. It adds an option for Twitter Search into the search bar. This is quite useful if you search frequently on twitter about latest trend topics or hash [#] tags. Instead of going on you can simply search using this simple add-on.
Link: Download Addon.

2)Power Twitter :

power-twitterThis add-on adds various features like Twitter Search, status histories when hovering, a Facebook status stream, inline embedded media, and URL expansion to Twitter’s web interface. If there’s a link to a YouTube video, Flickr photo, or Google Map, Power Twitter will automatically embed that media inline with the rest of the content on that page. It will also expand shortened URLs and display the returned page’s title, which isn’t quite so helpful as if it left the short URL and allowed you to expand it on command (like Twitter Search does).
Link : Download Addon.

3)TwitterFox :

Twitter-FoxThis extension keeps you updated about latest tweets of your friends and also allows you to update your twitter in few clicks.TwitterFox adds a tiny blue twitter icon on the status bar that notifies you when your friends update their status you can select time interval for checking for updates. Also it has two other tabs called “Mentions” and “Messeges”,in mentions you can see tweets in which you are mentions and in messages contains all the direct messages you have received.
Link : Download Addon.

4)TwitterBar :

twitter-barTwitterBar allows you to post to Twitter from Firefox’s address bar. A small Twitter icon sits to the right of your address bar; clicking on it will post your tweet, and you can hover your mouse over it to see how many characters you have left.You can also post by typing “–post” at the end of your tweet. Clicking the Twitter icon when visiting a webpage will send a tweet containing the URL of the webpage you are currently viewing.
Link : Download Addon.

5)TwitKit :

twit-kitTwitKit is a Twitter sidebar for Firefox. TwitKit has a 6-section interface, using tabs to separate content. You can view the Twitter public timeline,your user timeline, a list of your friends and their latest tweets, a list of your followers and their latest tweets, @replies made to you, and stats about your account.Many different color schemes and settings are available for configuration, to suit any preference of appearance.
Link : Download Addon.

6)TwittyTunes :

twitty-tunesAllows to post your currently playing songs to Twitter with a click. As a bonus, you can also post the websites you’re visiting, videos you’re watching and more!
Link : Download Addon.

7)Twitzer :

twitzerTwitzer is a Firefox extension which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on It also provides a feature where you can resolve all TinyURL links to actual links so that you are sure you are clicking on safe links.
Link : Download Addon.

Twe2 offers Twitter to SMS for free in Europe & beyond

The offering from twe2 is simple – Twitter messages to your mobile phone via SMS, for free. The service is paid for by a short ad which follows each SMS message. The service can be customised to only send SMS when you get a direct message, when you have a @reply message, or can search twitter for specific terms.
Twe2 offers Twitter to SMS for free in Europe & beyond
Twitter stopped allowing SMS as a direct delivery and response mechanism in a number of countries last August, citing rising costs. Although they have said they intend to re-introduce the service, they have still given no timescale for this, or made any specific announcement.
It’s into this gap that TWE2 fits, and the two UK developers behind the service, Paul Rawlings (@prawlings) and Paul Kinlan (@PaulKinlan) also plan to allow replies to twitter messages using SMS in the future, starting with the UK. They have also been ‘whitelisted’ by Twitter, to allow them to gather additional data from the service, and have recently been selected as one of only 150 twitter applications to implement oAuth – enabling users to use applications like Twitter without giving out their password to other applications.

Search Twitter and get SMS alerts with advanced syntax

Twe2 offers Twitter to SMS for free in Europe & beyond
An additional, innovative use of the service allows advanced syntax searches to be run, so that TWE2 send you interesting SMS updates from general searches of twitter’s stream.
For example, you might want to set up an SMS that will alert you to tweets containing, say, the exact phrase “happy hour” and sent near “amsterdam”. More examples at the TWE2 Blog.