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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Learn how to kill short URL's
Thanks to Long URL Please, internet users today can practically lengthen, see-through and kill those short URLs once and for all. Long URL Please is based upon a clever Firefox Extension created by Darragh Curran but it is also can be used on other browsers (doesn’t seems to work on Google Chrome though) via bookmarklets. As of time of writing, Long URL Please demystifies short URLs provided by more than 30 short URL Redirection service providers;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Posted by HITTLER at 5:36 PM 0 comments
SQL injection attack
The Target Intranet
This appeared to be an entirely custom application, and we had no prior knowledge of the application nor access to the source code: this was a "blind" attack. A bit of poking showed that this server ran Microsoft's IIS 6 along with ASP.NET, and this suggested that the database was Microsoft's SQL server: we believe that these techniques can apply to nearly any web application backed by any SQL server.
The login page had a traditional username-and-password form, but also an email-me-my-password link; the latter proved to be the downfall of the whole system.
When entering an email address, the system presumably looked in the user database for that email address, and mailed something to that address. Since my email address is not found, it wasn't going to send me anything.
So the first test in any SQL-ish form is to enter a single quote as part of the data: the intention is to see if they construct an SQL string literally without sanitizing. When submitting the form with a quote in the email address, we get a 500 error (server failure), and this suggests that the "broken" input is actually being parsed literally. Bingo.
We speculate that the underlying SQL code looks something like this:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE field = '$EMAIL';
Here, $EMAIL is the address submitted on the form by the user, and the larger query provides the quotation marks that set it off as a literal string. We don't know the specific names of the fields or table involved, but we do know their nature, and we'll make some good guesses later.
When we enter' - note the closing quote mark - this yields constructed SQL:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE field = ''';
when this is executed, the SQL parser find the extra quote mark and aborts with a syntax error. How this manifests itself to the user depends on the application's internal error-recovery procedures, but it's usually different from "email address is unknown". This error response is a dead giveaway that user input is not being sanitized properly and that the application is ripe for exploitation.
Since the data we're filling in appears to be in the WHERE clause, let's change the nature of that clause in an SQL legal way and see what happens. By entering anything' OR 'x'='x, the resulting SQL is:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE field = 'anything' OR 'x'='x';
Because the application is not really thinking about the query - merely constructing a string - our use of quotes has turned a single-component WHERE clause into a two-component one, and the 'x'='x' clause is guaranteed to be true no matter what the first clause is (there is a better approach for this "always true" part that we'll touch on later).
But unlike the "real" query, which should return only a single item each time, this version will essentially return every item in the members database. The only way to find out what the application will do in this circumstance is to try it. Doing so, we were greeted with:
Your login information has been mailed to
Our best guess is that it's the first record returned by the query, effectively an entry taken at random. This person really did get this forgotten-password link via email, which will probably come as surprise to him and may raise warning flags somewhere.
We now know that we're able to manipulate the query to our own ends, though we still don't know much about the parts of it we cannot see. But we have observed three different responses to our various inputs:
- "Your login information has been mailed to email"
- "We don't recognize your email address"
- Server error
The first two are responses to well-formed SQL, while the latter is for bad SQL: this distinction will be very useful when trying to guess the structure of the query.
Schema field mapping
The first steps are to guess some field names: we're reasonably sure that the query includes "email address" and "password", and there may be things like "US Mail address" or "userid" or "phone number". We'd dearly love to perform a SHOW TABLE, but in addition to not knowing the name of the table, there is no obvious vehicle to get the output of this command routed to us.
So we'll do it in steps. In each case, we'll show the whole query as we know it, with our own snippets shown specially. We know that the tail end of the query is a comparison with the email address, so let's guess email as the name of the field:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE field = 'x' AND email IS NULL; --';
The intent is to use a proposed field name (email) in the constructed query and find out if the SQL is valid or not. We don't care about matching the email address (which is why we use a dummy 'x'), and the -- marks the start of an SQL comment. This is an effective way to "consume" the final quote provided by application and not worry about matching them.
If we get a server error, it means our SQL is malformed and a syntax error was thrown: it's most likely due to a bad field name. If we get any kind of valid response, we guessed the name correctly. This is the case whether we get the "email unknown" or "password was sent" response.
Note, however, that we use the AND conjunction instead of OR: this is intentional. In the SQL schema mapping phase, we're not really concerned with guessing any particular email addresses, and we do not want random users inundated with "here is your password" emails from the application - this will surely raise suspicions to no good purpose. By using the AND conjunction with an email address that couldn't ever be valid, we're sure that the query will always return zero rows and never generate a password-reminder email.
Submitting the above snippet indeed gave us the "email address unknown" response, so now we know that the email address is stored in a field email. If this hadn't worked, we'd have tried email_address or mail or the like. This process will involve quite a lot of guessing.
Next we'll guess some other obvious names: password, user ID, name, and the like. These are all done one at a time, and anything other than "server failure" means we guessed the name correctly.
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE email = 'x' AND userid IS NULL; --';
As a result of this process, we found several valid field names:
- passwd
- login_id
- full_name
There are certainly more (and a good source of clues is the names of the fields on forms), but a bit of digging did not discover any. But we still don't know the name of the table that these fields are found in - how to find out?
Finding the table name
The application's built-in query already has the table name built into it, but we don't know what that name is: there are several approaches for finding that (and other) table names. The one we took was to rely on a subselect.
A standalone query of
Returns the number of records in that table, and of course fails if the table name is unknown. We can build this into our string to probe for the table name:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM table
WHERE email = 'x' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabname); --';
We don't care how many records are there, of course, only whether the table name is valid or not. By iterating over several guesses, we eventually determined that members was a valid table in the database. But is it the table used in this query? For that we need yet another test using table.field notation: it only works for tables that are actually part of this query, not merely that the table exists.
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = 'x' AND IS NULL; --';
When this returned "Email unknown", it confirmed that our SQL was well formed and that we had properly guessed the table name. This will be important later, but we instead took a different approach in the interim.
Finding some users
At this point we have a partial idea of the structure of the members table, but we only know of one username: the random member who got our initial "Here is your password" email. Recall that we never received the message itself, only the address it was sent to. We'd like to get some more names to work with, preferably those likely to have access to more data.
The first place to start, of course, is the company's website to find who is who: the "About us" or "Contact" pages often list who's running the place. Many of these contain email addresses, but even those that don't list them can give us some clues which allow us to find them with our tool.
The idea is to submit a query that uses the LIKE clause, allowing us to do partial matches of names or email addresses in the database, each time triggering the "We sent your password" message and email. Warning: though this reveals an email address each time we run it, it also actually sends that email, which may raise suspicions. This suggests that we take it easy.
We can do the query on email name or full name (or presumably other information), each time putting in the % wildcards that LIKE supports:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = 'x' OR full_name LIKE '%Bob%';
Keep in mind that even though there may be more than one "Bob", we only get to see one of them: this suggests refining our LIKE clause narrowly.
Ultimately, we may only need one valid email address to leverage our way in.
Brute-force password guessing
One can certainly attempt brute-force guessing of passwords at the main login page, but many systems make an effort to detect or even prevent this. There could be logfiles, account lockouts, or other devices that would substantially impede our efforts, but because of the non-sanitized inputs, we have another avenue that is much less likely to be so protected.
We'll instead do actual password testing in our snippet by including the email name and password directly. In our example, we'll use our victim, and try multiple passwords.
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = '' AND passwd = 'hello123';
This is clearly well-formed SQL, so we don't expect to see any server errors, and we'll know we found the password when we receive the "your password has been mailed to you" message. Our mark has now been tipped off, but we do have his password.
This procedure can be automated with scripting in perl, and though we were in the process of creating this script, we ended up going down another road before actually trying it.
The database isn't readonly
So far, we have done nothing but query the database, and even though a SELECT is readonly, that doesn't mean that SQL is. SQL uses the semicolon for statement termination, and if the input is not sanitized properly, there may be nothing that prevents us from stringing our own unrelated command at the end of the query.
The most drastic example is:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = 'x'; DROP TABLE members; --'; -- Boom!
The first part provides a dummy email address -- 'x' -- and we don't care what this query returns: we're just getting it out of the way so we can introduce an unrelated SQL command. This one attempts to drop (delete) the entire members table, which really doesn't seem too sporting.
This shows that not only can we run separate SQL commands, but we can also modify the database. This is promising.
Adding a new member
Given that we know the partial structure of the members table, it seems like a plausible approach to attempt adding a new record to that table: if this works, we'll simply be able to login directly with our newly-inserted credentials.
This, not surprisingly, takes a bit more SQL, and we've wrapped it over several lines for ease of presentation, but our part is still one contiguous string:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = 'x';
INSERT INTO members ('email','passwd','login_id','full_name')
VALUES ('','hello','steve','Steve Friedl');--';
Even if we have actually gotten our field and table names right, several things could get in our way of a successful attack:
- We might not have enough room in the web form to enter this much text directly (though this can be worked around via scripting, it's much less convenient).
- The web application user might not have INSERT permission on the members table.
- There are undoubtedly other fields in the members table, and some may require initial values, causing the INSERT to fail.
- Even if we manage to insert a new record, the application itself might not behave well due to the auto-inserted NULL fields that we didn't provide values for.
- A valid "member" might require not only a record in the members table, but associated information in other tables (say, "accessrights"), so adding to one table alone might not be sufficient.
In the case at hand, we hit a roadblock on either #4 or #5 - we can't really be sure -- because when going to the main login page and entering in the above username + password, a server error was returned. This suggests that fields we did not populate were vital, but nevertheless not handled properly.
A possible approach here is attempting to guess the other fields, but this promises to be a long and laborious process: though we may be able to guess other "obvious" fields, it's very hard to imagine the bigger-picture organization of this application.
We ended up going down a different road.
Mail me a password
We then realized that though we are not able to add a new record to the members database, we can modify an existing one, and this proved to be the approach that gained us entry.
From a previous step, we knew that had an account on the system, and we used our SQL injection to update his database record with our email address:
SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name
FROM members
WHERE email = 'x';
UPDATE members
SET email = ''
WHERE email = '';
After running this, we of course received the "we didn't know your email address", but this was expected due to the dummy email address provided. The UPDATE wouldn't have registered with the application, so it executed quietly.
We then used the regular "I lost my password" link - with the updated email address - and a minute later received this email:
Subject: Intranet login
This email is in response to your request for your Intranet log in information.
Your User ID is: bob
Your password is: hello
Now it was now just a matter of following the standard login process to access the system as a high-ranked MIS staffer, and this was far superior to a perhaps-limited user that we might have created with our INSERT approach.
We found the intranet site to be quite comprehensive, and it included - among other things - a list of all the users. It's a fair bet that many Intranet sites also have accounts on the corporate Windows network, and perhaps some of them have used the same password in both places. Since it's clear that we have an easy way to retrieve any Intranet password, and since we had located an open PPTP VPN port on the corporate firewall, it should be straightforward to attempt this kind of access.
We had done a spot check on a few accounts without success, and we can't really know whether it's "bad password" or "the Intranet account name differs from the Windows account name". But we think that automated tools could make some of this easier.
Other Approaches
In this particular engagement, we obtained enough access that we did not feel the need to do much more, but other steps could have been taken. We'll touch on the ones that we can think of now, though we are quite certain that this is not comprehensive.
We are also aware that not all approaches work with all databases, and we can touch on some of them here.
- Use xp_cmdshell
- Microsoft's SQL Server supports a stored procedure xp_cmdshell that permits what amounts to arbitrary command execution, and if this is permitted to the web user, complete compromise of the webserver is inevitable.
- What we had done so far was limited to the web application and the underlying database, but if we can run commands, the webserver itself cannot help but be compromised. Access to xp_cmdshell is usually limited to administrative accounts, but it's possible to grant it to lesser users.
- Map out more database structure
- Though this particular application provided such a rich post-login environment that it didn't really seem necessary to dig further, in other more limited environments this may not have been sufficient.
- Being able to systematically map out the available schema, including tables and their field structure, can't help but provide more avenues for compromise of the application.
- One could probably gather more hints about the structure from other aspects of the website (e.g., is there a "leave a comment" page? Are there "support forums"?). Clearly, this is highly dependent on the application and it relies very much on making good guesses.
We believe that web application developers often simply do not think about "surprise inputs", but security people do (including the bad guys), so there are three broad approaches that can be applied here.
- Sanitize the input
- It's absolutely vital to sanitize user inputs to insure that they do not contain dangerous codes, whether to the SQL server or to HTML itself. One's first idea is to strip out "bad stuff", such as quotes or semicolons or escapes, but this is a misguided attempt. Though it's easy to point out some dangerous characters, it's harder to point to all of them.
- The language of the web is full of special characters and strange markup (including alternate ways of representing the same characters), and efforts to authoritatively identify all "bad stuff" are unlikely to be successful.
- Instead, rather than "remove known bad data", it's better to "remove everything but known good data": this distinction is crucial. Since - in our example - an email address can contain only these characters:
@.-_+ - There is really no benefit in allowing characters that could not be valid, and rejecting them early - presumably with an error message - not only helps forestall SQL Injection, but also catches mere typos early rather than stores them into the database.
Sidebar on email addresses
It's important to note here that email addresses in particular are troublesome to validate programmatically, because everybody seems to have his own idea about what makes one "valid", and it's a shame to exclude a good email address because it contains a character you didn't think about.
The only real authority is RFC 2822 (which encompasses the more familiar RFC822), and it includes a fairly expansive definition of what's allowed. The truly pedantic may well wish to accept email addresses with ampersands and asterisks (among other things) as valid, but others - including this author - are satisfied with a reasonable subset that includes "most" email addresses.
Those taking a more restrictive approach ought to be fully aware of the consequences of excluding these addresses, especially considering that better techniques (prepare/execute, stored procedures) obviate the security concerns which those "odd" characters present.
- Be aware that "sanitizing the input" doesn't mean merely "remove the quotes", because even "regular" characters can be troublesome. In an example where an integer ID value is being compared against the user input (say, a numeric PIN):
SELECT fieldlist
FROM table
WHERE id = 23 OR 1=1; -- Boom! Always matches! - In practice, however, this approach is highly limited because there are so few fields for which it's possible to outright exclude many of the dangerous characters. For "dates" or "email addresses" or "integers" it may have merit, but for any kind of real application, one simply cannot avoid the other mitigations.
- Escape/Quotesafe the input
- Even if one might be able to sanitize a phone number or email address, one cannot take this approach with a "name" field lest one wishes to exclude the likes of Bill O'Reilly from one's application: a quote is simply a valid character for this field.
- One includes an actual single quote in an SQL string by putting two of them together, so this suggests the obvious - but wrong! - technique of preprocessing every string to replicate the single quotes:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM customers
WHERE name = 'Bill O''Reilly'; -- works OK - However, this naïve approach can be beaten because most databases support other string escape mechanisms. MySQL, for instance, also permits \' to escape a quote, so after input of \'; DROP TABLE users; -- is "protected" by doubling the quotes, we get:
SELECT fieldlist
FROM customers
WHERE name = '\''; DROP TABLE users; --'; -- Boom! - The expression '\'' is a complete string (containing just one single quote), and the usual SQL shenanigans follow. It doesn't stop with backslashes either: there is Unicode, other encodings, and parsing oddities all hiding in the weeds to trip up the application designer.
- Getting quotes right is notoriously difficult, which is why many database interface languages provide a function that does it for you. When the same internal code is used for "string quoting" and "string parsing", it's much more likely that the process will be done properly and safely.
- Some examples are the MySQL function mysql_real_escape_string() and perl DBD method $dbh->quote($value).
- These methods must be used.
- Use bound parameters (the PREPARE statement)
- Though quotesafing is a good mechanism, we're still in the area of "considering user input as SQL", and a much better approach exists: bound parameters, which are supported by essentially all database programming interfaces. In this technique, an SQL statement string is created with placeholders - a question mark for each parameter - and it's compiled ("prepared", in SQL parlance) into an internal form.
- Later, this prepared query is "executed" with a list of parameters:
- Example in perl
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT email, userid FROM members WHERE email = ?;");
$sth->execute($email); - Thanks to Stefan Wagner, this demonstrates bound parameters in Java:
- Insecure version
Statement s = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT email FROM member WHERE name = "
+ formField); // *boom* - Secure version
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
"SELECT email FROM member WHERE name = ?");
ps.setString(1, formField);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); - Here, $email is the data obtained from the user's form, and it is passed as positional parameter #1 (the first question mark), and at no point do the contents of this variable have anything to do with SQL statement parsing. Quotes, semicolons, backslashes, SQL comment notation - none of this has any impact, because it's "just data". There simply is nothing to subvert, so the application is be largely immune to SQL injection attacks.
- There also may be some performance benefits if this prepared query is reused multiple times (it only has to be parsed once), but this is minor compared to the enormous security benefits. This is probably the single most important step one can take to secure a web application.
- Limit database permissions and segregate users
- In the case at hand, we observed just two interactions that are made not in the context of a logged-in user: "log in" and "send me password". The web application ought to use a database connection with the most limited rights possible: query-only access to the members table, and no access to any other table.
- The effect here is that even a "successful" SQL injection attack is going to have much more limited success. Here, we'd not have been able to do the UPDATE request that ultimately granted us access, so we'd have had to resort to other avenues.
- Once the web application determined that a set of valid credentials had been passed via the login form, it would then switch that session to a database connection with more rights.
- It should go almost without saying that sa rights should never be used for any web-based application.
- Use stored procedures for database access
- When the database server supports them, use stored procedures for performing access on the application's behalf, which can eliminate SQL entirely (assuming the stored procedures themselves are written properly).
- By encapsulating the rules for a certain action - query, update, delete, etc. - into a single procedure, it can be tested and documented on a standalone basis and business rules enforced (for instance, the "add new order" procedure might reject that order if the customer were over his credit limit).
- For simple queries this might be only a minor benefit, but as the operations become more complicated (or are used in more than one place), having a single definition for the operation means it's going to be more robust and easier to maintain.
- Note: it's always possible to write a stored procedure that itself constructs a query dynamically: this provides no protection against SQL Injection - it's only proper binding with prepare/execute or direct SQL statements with bound variables that provide this protection.
- Isolate the webserver
- Even having taken all these mitigation steps, it's nevertheless still possible to miss something and leave the server open to compromise. One ought to design the network infrastructure to assume that the bad guy will have full administrator access to the machine, and then attempt to limit how that can be leveraged to compromise other things.
- For instance, putting the machine in a DMZ with extremely limited pinholes "inside" the network means that even getting complete control of the webserver doesn't automatically grant full access to everything else. This won't stop everything, of course, but it makes it a lot harder.
- Configure error reporting
- The default error reporting for some frameworks includes developer debugging information, and this cannot be shown to outside users. Imagine how much easier a time it makes for an attacker if the full query is shown, pointing to the syntax error involved.
- This information is useful to developers, but it should be restricted - if possible - to just internal users.
Note that not all databases are configured the same way, and not all even support the same dialect of SQL (the "S" stands for "Structured", not "Standard"). For instance, most versions of MySQL do not support subselects, nor do they usually allow multiple statements: these are substantially complicating factors when attempting to penetrate a network.
We'd like to emphasize that though we chose the "Forgotten password" link to attack in this particular case, it wasn't really because this particular web application feature is dangerous. It was simply one of several available features that might have been vulnerable, and it would be a mistake to focus on the "Forgotten password" aspect of the presentation.
This Tech Tip has not been intended to provide comprehensive coverage on SQL injection, or even a tutorial: it merely documents the process that evolved over several hours during a contracted engagement. We've seen other papers on SQL injection discuss the technical background, but still only provide the "money shot" that ultimately gained them access.
But that final statement required background knowledge to pull off, and the process of gathering that information has merit too. One doesn't always have access to source code for an application, and the ability to attack a custom application blindly has some value.
Thanks to David Litchfield and Randal Schwartz for their technical input to this paper, and to the great Chris Mospaw for graphic design (© 2005 by Chris Mospaw, used with permission).
Other resources
- (more) Advanced SQL Injection, Chris Anley, Next Generation Security Software.
- SQL Injection walkthrough, SecuriTeam
- GreenSQL, an open-source database firewall that tries to protect against SQL injection errors
- "Exploits of a Mom" — Very good xkcd cartoon about SQL injection
- SQL Injection Cheat Sheet — by Ferruh Mavituna
Posted by HITTLER at 5:33 PM 1 comments
Download all trojans
Nuclear RAT 2.1.0
* Programmed by: Caesar2k
* Date added / updated: September 4th 2007
* Downloads: 80685
* File size: 1.26MB
* Coded in: Delphi
* Section: Remote Administration Tools & Spy
* Compatibility: Windows NT, 2K, XP, Vista
Download :
Turkojan 4
Features :
* Reverse Connection
* Remote Desktop(very fast)
* Webcam Streaming(very fast)
* Audio Streaming
* Thumbnail viewer
* Remote passwords
* MSN Sniffer
* Remote Shell
* Web-Site Blocking
* Chat with server
* Send fake messages
* Advanced file manager
* Zipping files&folders
* Find files
* Change remote screen resolution
* Mouse manager
* Information about remote computer
* Clipboard manager
* IE options
* Running Process
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* Invisible in Searching Files/Regedit/Msconfig
* Small Server 100kb
Download :
Trojan Virus Steals Banking Info
The details of about 500,000 online bank accounts and credit and debit cards have been stolen by a virus described as “one of the most advanced pieces of crimeware ever created”.
The Sinowal trojan has been tracked by RSA, which helps to secure networks in Fortune 500 companies.
RSA said the trojan virus has infected computers all over the planet.
“The effect has been really global with over 2000 domains compromised,” said Sean Brady of RSA’s security division.
He told the BBC: “This is a serious incident on a very noticeable scale and we have seen an increase in the number of trojans and their variants, particularly in the States and Canada.”
The RSA’s Fraud Action Research Lab said it first detected the Windows Sinowal trojan in Feb 2006.
Since then, Mr Brady said, more than 270,000 banking accounts and 240,000 credit and debit cards have been compromised from financial institutions in countries including the US, UK, Australia and Poland.
The lab said no Russian accounts were hit by Sinowal.
Source: BBC News
Filed in Privacy Attacks, Stories/News | admin | Comments (0)
TeraBIT Virus Maker 2.8 SE
TeraBIT Virus Maker 2.8 SE
by m_reza00
Written in Visual Basic
Released in September 2007
Made in Iran
dropped files:
Size: 16,950 bytes
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon “Shell”
Old data: Explorer.exe
New data: explorer.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\csmm.exe
Tested on Windows XP
September 19, 2007
Download :
Demon-Ps 2.8
Demon-Ps 2.8
by Masoud Azimi
Written in Visual Basic
Released in August 2008
Made in Iran
Dropped Files:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\love.exe Size: 81,920 bytes
c:\WINDOWS\system32\config\he.txt Size: 194 bytes
c:\WINDOWS\system32\config\sysrun.exe Size: 81,920 bytes
Added to Registry::
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run “(Default)”
Data: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\sysrun.exe -s
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon “Shell”
Data: Explorer.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\love.exe -s
Tested on Windows XP
August 21, 2008
Download :
NETbus trojan
It is capable of :--
- Open/Close CD-ROM
- Show optional BMP/JPG image
- Swap mouse buttons
- Start optional application
- Play a wav file
- Control mouse
- Show different kind's of messages
- Shut down Windows
- Download/Upload/Delete files
- Go to an optional URL
- Send keystrokes and disable keys
- Listen for and send keystrokes
- Take a screendump
- Increase and decrease the sound-volume
- Record sounds from the microphone
- Make click sounds every time a key is pressed
NetBus 2.0 Pro :- It was completely re-written and re-designed. It now has increased features such as improved GUI for client and server, improved file manager, windows manager, registry manager, plugin manager, capture of web cam images, n...more............!
Following is the stepwise procedure for installation and configuration of NetBus 2.0 Pro (server and client).
1) Download NetBus 2.0 Pro. from here -
2) Extract and install properly on your system.
3) After installation you will find the two shortcuts in the NetBus installation directory.
This is to be executed on victim's system. | |
This is to be executed on your system. |
4) By Executing the 'NetBus Server' (on victim's computer), you will be greeted by a window as shown in figure (left). Click on 'Settings' button.
Here you can configure server settings such as port no, password, visibility, auto/manual start, etc. as shown in figure (right).
Click on 'OK' button to finish NetBus Server settings.
Then close the NetBus Server window.
5) By executing 'NetBus' (i.e. client)(on your system), you will be greeted by a window as shown below-
6) To add a new host go to the menu 'Host' and then click 'New'. This is as shown in figure (left).
Here you should enter the proper Destination(e.g. 'My Computer'), IP Address(eg., TCP Port(by default 20034), Username/Password(exactly same as that of 'NetBus Server') for target computer.
Click on 'OK' to finish the addition of new host.
7) Now you are ready to connect with target(victim's) computer.
To do so, select the host from main window then go to 'Host' menu and then click 'C
A potentially damaging computer programme capable of reproducing itself causing great harm to files or other programs without permission or knowledge of the user.
Types of viruses :-
The different types of viruses are as follows-
1) Boot Sector Virus :- Boot sector viruses infect either the master boot record of the hard disk or the floppy drive. The boot record program responsible for the booting of operating system is replaced by the virus. The virus either copies the master boot program to another part of the hard disk or overwrites it. They infect a computer when it boots up or when it accesses the infected floppy disk in the floppy drive. i.e. Once a system is infected with a boot-sector virus, any non-write-protected disk accessed by this system will become infected.
Examples of boot- sector viruses are Michelangelo and Stoned.
2) File or Program Viruses :- Some files/programs, when executed, load the virus in the memory and perform predefined functions to infect the system. They infect program files with extensions like .EXE, .COM, .BIN, .DRV and .SYS .
Some common file viruses are Sunday, Cascade.
3) Multipartite Viruses :- A multipartite virus is a computer virus that infects multiple different target platforms, and remains recursively infective in each target. It attempts to attack both the boot sector and the executable, or programs, files at the same time. When the virus attaches to the boot sector, it will in turn affect the system’s files, and when the virus attaches to the files, it will in turn infect the boot sector.
This type of virus can re-infect a system over and over again if all parts of the virus are not eradicated.
Ghostball was the first multipartite virus, discovered by Fridrik Skulason in October 1989.
Other examples are Invader, Flip, etc.
4) Stealth Viruses :- These viruses are stealthy in nature means it uses various methods for hiding themselves to avoid detection. They sometimes remove themselves from the memory temporarily to avoid detection by antivirus. They are somewhat difficult to detect. When an antivirus program tries to detect the virus, the stealth virus feeds the antivirus program a clean image of the file or boot sector.
5) Polymorphic Viruses :- Polymorphic viruses have the ability to mutate implying that they change the viral code known as the signature each time they spread or infect. Thus an antivirus program which is scanning for specific virus codes unable to detect it's presense.
6) Macro Viruses :- A macro virus is a computer virus that "infects" a Microsoft Word or similar application and causes a sequence of actions to be performed automatically when the application is started or something else triggers it. Macro viruses tend to be surprising but relatively harmless.A macro virus is often spread as an e-mail virus. Well-known examples are Concept Virus and Melissa Worm.
8) After client get connected with server(target computer), you can use any of the features of 'NetBus Trojan' as listed above. You can see all these tools on 'Toolbar' of NetBus Client.
Posted by HITTLER at 5:29 PM 0 comments
1000 Hacking Tutorials
Posted by HITTLER at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Free Airtel Gprs
usr name: (blank)
password: (blank)
now save it
go to Internet Setting in connectivity here choose intrnet profile--go to new profile setting are as below
CONNECT USING:A1(which was created in data comm.)
save it
now u would be able to see it now select it and take "more" option then select setting here in use proxy option it will be selected no if it is no then change it into yes
now go to proxy adress and give the adress as and then the port number as 8080
Usr name:
now save all the settings u made . come back 2 connectivity
choose streaming settings now in connect using option choose a1 that we created leave the use proxy option as no itself
now access airtellive! from ur activated SE phone goto VIDEO GALLERY OR VIDEO UNLIMITED(varies according to states) choose live streaming then choose CNBC OR AAJTAK WHILE CONNECTING TO MEDIA SERVER cancel AFTER 9 or 10 sec then type any web adress if it shows access denied then once again select CNBC and wait for a few more sec than before if its fully connected also no prob its free then cancel it or if ur connected then stop it and the internet is ready to take of .
Posted by HITTLER at 5:24 PM 0 comments
password hacking A!
How to crack Passwords? Try using 500 common passwordS
You can try to crack passwords by using the following 500 common passwords first, they were made public back in 2005 but you still can use the today.
500 common passwords
NO Top 1-100 Top 101–200 Top 201–300 Top 301–400 Top 401–500 1 123456 porsche firebird prince rosebud 2 password guitar butter beach jaguar 3 12345678 chelsea united amateur great 4 1234 black turtle 7777777 cool 5 pussy diamond steelers muffin cooper 6 12345 nascar tiffany redsox 1313 7 dragon jackson zxcvbn star scorpio 8 qwerty cameron tomcat testing mountain 9 696969 654321 golf shannon madison 10 mustang computer bond007 murphy 987654 11 letmein amanda bear frank brazil 12 baseball wizard tiger hannah lauren 13 master xxxxxxxx doctor dave japan 14 michael money gateway eagle1 naked 15 football phoenix gators 11111 squirt 16 shadow mickey angel mother stars 17 monkey bailey junior nathan apple 18 abc123 knight thx1138 raiders alexis 19 pass iceman porno steve aaaa 20 fuckme tigers badboy forever bonnie 21 6969 purple debbie angela peaches 22 jordan andrea spider viper jasmine 23 harley horny melissa ou812 kevin 24 ranger dakota booger jake matt 25 iwantu aaaaaa 1212 lovers qwertyui 26 jennifer player flyers suckit danielle 27 hunter sunshine fish gregory beaver 28 fuck morgan porn buddy 4321 29 2000 starwars matrix whatever 4128 30 test boomer teens young runner 31 batman cowboys scooby nicholas swimming 32 trustno1 edward jason lucky dolphin 33 thomas charles walter helpme gordon 34 tigger girls cumshot jackie casper 35 robert booboo boston monica stupid 36 access coffee braves midnight shit 37 love xxxxxx yankee college saturn 38 buster bulldog lover baby gemini 39 1234567 ncc1701 barney cunt apples 40 soccer rabbit victor brian august 41 hockey peanut tucker mark 3333 42 killer john princess startrek canada 43 george johnny mercedes sierra blazer 44 sexy gandalf 5150 leather cumming 45 andrew spanky doggie 232323 hunting 46 charlie winter zzzzzz 4444 kitty 47 superman brandy gunner beavis rainbow 48 asshole compaq horney bigcock 112233 49 fuckyou carlos bubba happy arthur 50 dallas tennis 2112 sophie cream 51 jessica james fred ladies calvin 52 panties mike johnson naughty shaved 53 pepper brandon xxxxx giants surfer 54 1111 fender tits booty samson 55 austin anthony member blonde kelly 56 william blowme boobs fucked paul 57 daniel ferrari donald golden mine 58 golfer cookie bigdaddy 0 king 59 summer chicken bronco fire racing 60 heather maverick penis sandra 5555 61 hammer chicago voyager pookie eagle 62 yankees joseph rangers packers hentai 63 joshua diablo birdie einstein newyork 64 maggie sexsex trouble dolphins little 65 biteme hardcore white 0 redwings 66 enter 666666 topgun chevy smith 67 ashley willie bigtits winston sticky 68 thunder welcome bitches warrior cocacola 69 cowboy chris green sammy animal 70 silver panther super slut broncos 71 richard yamaha qazwsx 8675309 private 72 fucker justin magic zxcvbnm skippy 73 orange banana lakers nipples marvin 74 merlin driver rachel power blondes 75 michelle marine slayer victoria enjoy 76 corvette angels scott asdfgh girl 77 bigdog fishing 2222 vagina apollo 78 cheese david asdf toyota parker 79 matthew maddog video travis qwert 80 121212 hooters london hotdog time 81 patrick wilson 7777 paris sydney 82 martin butthead marlboro rock women 83 freedom dennis srinivas xxxx voodoo 84 ginger fucking internet extreme magnum 85 blowjob captain action redskins juice 86 nicole bigdick carter erotic abgrtyu 87 sparky chester jasper dirty 777777 88 yellow smokey monster ford dreams 89 camaro xavier teresa freddy maxwell 90 secret steven jeremy arsenal music 91 dick viking 11111111 access14 rush2112 92 falcon snoopy bill wolf russia 93 taylor blue crystal nipple scorpion 94 111111 eagles peter iloveyou rebecca 95 131313 winner pussies alex tester 96 123123 samantha cock florida mistress 97 bitch house beer eric phantom 98 hello miller rocket legend billy 99 scooter flower theman movie 6666 100 please jack oliver success albert
The above list of 500 common passwords was revealed back in 2005 by Mark Burnett through his book; Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication. If you are using either one of those passwords right now, please change it this very instance! Take note that hackers, spammers and scammers have the above list too!
password hacking
Password cracking is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system. A common approach is to repeatedly try guesses for the password.
Most passwords can be cracked by using following techniques :
1) Hashing :- Here we will refer to the one way function (which may be either an encryption function or cryptographic hash) employed as a hash and its output as a hashed password.
If a system uses a reversible function to obscure stored passwords, exploiting that weakness can recover even 'well-chosen' passwords.
One example is the LM hash that Microsoft Windows uses by default to store user passwords that are less than 15 characters in length.
LM hash breaks the password into two 7-character fields which are then hashed separately, allowing each half to be attacked separately.
Hash functions like SHA-512, SHA-1, and MD5 are considered impossible to invert when used correctly.
2) Guessing :- Many passwords can be guessed either by humans or by sophisticated cracking programs armed with dictionaries (dictionary based) and the user's personal information. Not surprisingly, many users choose weak passwords, usually one related to themselves in some way. Repeated research over some 40 years has demonstrated that around 40% of user-chosen passwords are readily guessable by programs. Examples of insecure choices include:
* blank (none)
* the word "password", "passcode", "admin" and their derivatives
* the user's name or login name
* the name of their significant other or another person (loved one)
* their birthplace or date of birth
* a pet's name
* a dictionary word in any language
* automobile licence plate number
* a row of letters from a standard keyboard layout (eg, the qwerty keyboard -- qwerty itself, asdf, or qwertyuiop)
* a simple modification of one of the preceding, such as suffixing a digit or reversing the order of the letters.
and so on....
In one survery of MySpace passwords which had been phished, 3.8 percent of passwords were a single word found in a dictionary, and another 12 percent were a word plus a final digit; two-thirds of the time that digit was.
A password containing both uppercase & lowercase characters, numbers and special characters too; is a strong password and can never be guessed.
Check Your Password Strength
3) Default Passwords :- A moderately high number of local and online applications have inbuilt default passwords that have been configured by programmers during development stages of software. There are lots of applications running on the internet on which default passwords are enabled. So, it is quite easy for an attacker to enter default password and gain access to sensitive information. A list containing default passwords of some of the most popular applications is available on the internet.
Always disable or change the applications' (both online and offline) default username-password pairs.
4) Brute Force :- If all other techniques failed, then attackers uses brute force password cracking technique. Here an automatic tool is used which tries all possible combinations of available keys on the keyboard. As soon as correct password is reached it displays on the screen.This techniques takes extremely long time to complete, but password will surely cracked.
Long is the password, large is the time taken to brute force it.
5) Phishing :- This is the most effective and easily executable password cracking technique which is generally used to crack the passwords of e-mail accounts, and all those accounts where secret information or sensitive personal information is stored by user such as social networking websites, matrimonial websites, etc.
Phishing is a technique in which the attacker creates the fake login screen and send it to the victim, hoping that the victim gets fooled into entering the account username and password. As soon as victim click on "enter" or "login" login button this information reaches to the attacker using scripts or online form processors while the user(victim) is redirected to home page of e-mail service provider.
Never give reply to the messages which are demanding for your username-password, urging to be e-mail service provider.
It is possible to try to obtain the passwords through other different methods, such as social engineering, wiretapping, keystroke logging, login spoofing, dumpster diving, phishing, shoulder surfing, timing attack, acoustic cryptanalysis, using a Trojan Horse or virus, identity management system attacks (such as abuse of Self-service password reset) and compromising host security.
However, cracking usually designates a guessing attack.
500 common passwords
NO | Top 1-100 | Top 101–200 | Top 201–300 | Top 301–400 | Top 401–500 |
1 | 123456 | porsche | firebird | prince | rosebud |
2 | password | guitar | butter | beach | jaguar |
3 | 12345678 | chelsea | united | amateur | great |
4 | 1234 | black | turtle | 7777777 | cool |
5 | pussy | diamond | steelers | muffin | cooper |
6 | 12345 | nascar | tiffany | redsox | 1313 |
7 | dragon | jackson | zxcvbn | star | scorpio |
8 | qwerty | cameron | tomcat | testing | mountain |
9 | 696969 | 654321 | golf | shannon | madison |
10 | mustang | computer | bond007 | murphy | 987654 |
11 | letmein | amanda | bear | frank | brazil |
12 | baseball | wizard | tiger | hannah | lauren |
13 | master | xxxxxxxx | doctor | dave | japan |
14 | michael | money | gateway | eagle1 | naked |
15 | football | phoenix | gators | 11111 | squirt |
16 | shadow | mickey | angel | mother | stars |
17 | monkey | bailey | junior | nathan | apple |
18 | abc123 | knight | thx1138 | raiders | alexis |
19 | pass | iceman | porno | steve | aaaa |
20 | fuckme | tigers | badboy | forever | bonnie |
21 | 6969 | purple | debbie | angela | peaches |
22 | jordan | andrea | spider | viper | jasmine |
23 | harley | horny | melissa | ou812 | kevin |
24 | ranger | dakota | booger | jake | matt |
25 | iwantu | aaaaaa | 1212 | lovers | qwertyui |
26 | jennifer | player | flyers | suckit | danielle |
27 | hunter | sunshine | fish | gregory | beaver |
28 | fuck | morgan | porn | buddy | 4321 |
29 | 2000 | starwars | matrix | whatever | 4128 |
30 | test | boomer | teens | young | runner |
31 | batman | cowboys | scooby | nicholas | swimming |
32 | trustno1 | edward | jason | lucky | dolphin |
33 | thomas | charles | walter | helpme | gordon |
34 | tigger | girls | cumshot | jackie | casper |
35 | robert | booboo | boston | monica | stupid |
36 | access | coffee | braves | midnight | shit |
37 | love | xxxxxx | yankee | college | saturn |
38 | buster | bulldog | lover | baby | gemini |
39 | 1234567 | ncc1701 | barney | cunt | apples |
40 | soccer | rabbit | victor | brian | august |
41 | hockey | peanut | tucker | mark | 3333 |
42 | killer | john | princess | startrek | canada |
43 | george | johnny | mercedes | sierra | blazer |
44 | sexy | gandalf | 5150 | leather | cumming |
45 | andrew | spanky | doggie | 232323 | hunting |
46 | charlie | winter | zzzzzz | 4444 | kitty |
47 | superman | brandy | gunner | beavis | rainbow |
48 | asshole | compaq | horney | bigcock | 112233 |
49 | fuckyou | carlos | bubba | happy | arthur |
50 | dallas | tennis | 2112 | sophie | cream |
51 | jessica | james | fred | ladies | calvin |
52 | panties | mike | johnson | naughty | shaved |
53 | pepper | brandon | xxxxx | giants | surfer |
54 | 1111 | fender | tits | booty | samson |
55 | austin | anthony | member | blonde | kelly |
56 | william | blowme | boobs | fucked | paul |
57 | daniel | ferrari | donald | golden | mine |
58 | golfer | cookie | bigdaddy | 0 | king |
59 | summer | chicken | bronco | fire | racing |
60 | heather | maverick | penis | sandra | 5555 |
61 | hammer | chicago | voyager | pookie | eagle |
62 | yankees | joseph | rangers | packers | hentai |
63 | joshua | diablo | birdie | einstein | newyork |
64 | maggie | sexsex | trouble | dolphins | little |
65 | biteme | hardcore | white | 0 | redwings |
66 | enter | 666666 | topgun | chevy | smith |
67 | ashley | willie | bigtits | winston | sticky |
68 | thunder | welcome | bitches | warrior | cocacola |
69 | cowboy | chris | green | sammy | animal |
70 | silver | panther | super | slut | broncos |
71 | richard | yamaha | qazwsx | 8675309 | private |
72 | fucker | justin | magic | zxcvbnm | skippy |
73 | orange | banana | lakers | nipples | marvin |
74 | merlin | driver | rachel | power | blondes |
75 | michelle | marine | slayer | victoria | enjoy |
76 | corvette | angels | scott | asdfgh | girl |
77 | bigdog | fishing | 2222 | vagina | apollo |
78 | cheese | david | asdf | toyota | parker |
79 | matthew | maddog | video | travis | qwert |
80 | 121212 | hooters | london | hotdog | time |
81 | patrick | wilson | 7777 | paris | sydney |
82 | martin | butthead | marlboro | rock | women |
83 | freedom | dennis | srinivas | xxxx | voodoo |
84 | ginger | fucking | internet | extreme | magnum |
85 | blowjob | captain | action | redskins | juice |
86 | nicole | bigdick | carter | erotic | abgrtyu |
87 | sparky | chester | jasper | dirty | 777777 |
88 | yellow | smokey | monster | ford | dreams |
89 | camaro | xavier | teresa | freddy | maxwell |
90 | secret | steven | jeremy | arsenal | music |
91 | dick | viking | 11111111 | access14 | rush2112 |
92 | falcon | snoopy | bill | wolf | russia |
93 | taylor | blue | crystal | nipple | scorpion |
94 | 111111 | eagles | peter | iloveyou | rebecca |
95 | 131313 | winner | pussies | alex | tester |
96 | 123123 | samantha | cock | florida | mistress |
97 | bitch | house | beer | eric | phantom |
98 | hello | miller | rocket | legend | billy |
99 | scooter | flower | theman | movie | 6666 |
100 | please | jack | oliver | success | albert |
The above list of 500 common passwords was revealed back in 2005 by Mark Burnett through his book; Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication. If you are using either one of those passwords right now, please change it this very instance! Take note that hackers, spammers and scammers have the above list too!
password hacking
Most passwords can be cracked by using following techniques :
1) Hashing :- Here we will refer to the one way function (which may be either an encryption function or cryptographic hash) employed as a hash and its output as a hashed password.
If a system uses a reversible function to obscure stored passwords, exploiting that weakness can recover even 'well-chosen' passwords.
One example is the LM hash that Microsoft Windows uses by default to store user passwords that are less than 15 characters in length.
LM hash breaks the password into two 7-character fields which are then hashed separately, allowing each half to be attacked separately.
Hash functions like SHA-512, SHA-1, and MD5 are considered impossible to invert when used correctly. |
2) Guessing :- Many passwords can be guessed either by humans or by sophisticated cracking programs armed with dictionaries (dictionary based) and the user's personal information.
Not surprisingly, many users choose weak passwords, usually one related to themselves in some way. Repeated research over some 40 years has demonstrated that around 40% of user-chosen passwords are readily guessable by programs. Examples of insecure choices include:
* blank (none)
* the word "password", "passcode", "admin" and their derivatives
* the user's name or login name
* the name of their significant other or another person (loved one)
* their birthplace or date of birth
* a pet's name
* a dictionary word in any language
* automobile licence plate number
* a row of letters from a standard keyboard layout (eg, the qwerty keyboard -- qwerty itself, asdf, or qwertyuiop)
* a simple modification of one of the preceding, such as suffixing a digit or reversing the order of the letters.
and so on....
In one survery of MySpace passwords which had been phished, 3.8 percent of passwords were a single word found in a dictionary, and another 12 percent were a word plus a final digit; two-thirds of the time that digit was.
A password containing both uppercase & lowercase characters, numbers and special characters too; is a strong password and can never be guessed. |
Check Your Password Strength |
3) Default Passwords :- A moderately high number of local and online applications have inbuilt default passwords that have been configured by programmers during development stages of software. There are lots of applications running on the internet on which default passwords are enabled. So, it is quite easy for an attacker to enter default password and gain access to sensitive information. A list containing default passwords of some of the most popular applications is available on the internet.
Always disable or change the applications' (both online and offline) default username-password pairs. |
4) Brute Force :- If all other techniques failed, then attackers uses brute force password cracking technique. Here an automatic tool is used which tries all possible combinations of available keys on the keyboard. As soon as correct password is reached it displays on the screen.This techniques takes extremely long time to complete, but password will surely cracked.
Long is the password, large is the time taken to brute force it. |
5) Phishing :- This is the most effective and easily executable password cracking technique which is generally used to crack the passwords of e-mail accounts, and all those accounts where secret information or sensitive personal information is stored by user such as social networking websites, matrimonial websites, etc.
Phishing is a technique in which the attacker creates the fake login screen and send it to the victim, hoping that the victim gets fooled into entering the account username and password. As soon as victim click on "enter" or "login" login button this information reaches to the attacker using scripts or online form processors while the user(victim) is redirected to home page of e-mail service provider.
Never give reply to the messages which are demanding for your username-password, urging to be e-mail service provider. |
It is possible to try to obtain the passwords through other different methods, such as social engineering, wiretapping, keystroke logging, login spoofing, dumpster diving, phishing, shoulder surfing, timing attack, acoustic cryptanalysis, using a Trojan Horse or virus, identity management system attacks (such as abuse of Self-service password reset) and compromising host security.
However, cracking usually designates a guessing attack.
Posted by HITTLER at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
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WEP KEY PASSWORD SPY 1.1 To Hack any Password Protected Wireless Network. This software will instantly recover all WEP keys and wireless network passwords that have been stored on your computer. To get started, click “Find Wireless WEP Keys”. It will then display the adapter GUID and all recovered information associated with it including the wireless network name (SSID), the encryption type (WEP 40, WEP 104, or WPA-PSK), and the WEP key associated with each network. At the bottom of the screen you can see the name of your current Ethernet adapter, the total Kb sent and received during the current Windows session, and the current down/up throughput. |
Views: 0 Author: consaumap 25 December 2009 Comments (5) More |
WIFI HACK Professional : World's Best Wifi Hacking Tools Collection | Software » Anti-Spyware #20 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hacks page 1: - Comm View for WiFi v5.2484 - Pure NetWorks NetWork Magic 2 - Air Crack - AP Sniff - Comm View - Aerosol
- Easy WiFi Radar - Boingo Wireless |
Posted by HITTLER at 4:29 PM 0 comments